Saturday, December 5, 2009

'Armenia's New Friend...The West?'

"Hello to all my Armenian compatriots and to all those who support Armenia. What I want to blog about right now are storm clouds I see brewing on the horizon of Armenia's future. And this storm cloud is the West. Ever since the Kemalist Turks finished the job of Talat, Enver, and Djemal Pasha by expelling the last Armenians from Cilicia and on the Russian border, Turkey has had no greater ally than the West, namely the United States of America and the UK. Time and time again Turkey has used different threats against these global giants to escape, like the cowards they are, their just and righteous punishment. History has shown us that the West's intentions towards Armenia do not serve the best interests of Armenian's. In World War I for example, the Allied Powers attitude to the war was "The liberation of oppressed Christians in the Ottoman Empire and too rid the world once and for all of the barbaric and backwards ways of the Ottoman Empire." However, their actions do not back up their promises. After WWI, when Turkey was reeling and the remnants of the CUP(Committee of Union and Progress...aka "The Young Turk Regime") were committing suicide and waiting for the punishment they figured was coming, what did the West do? Nothing! The UK tried in vain to jail leading members of the CUP, but to no avail. France protected Armenians in Cilicia for a while, along with the Russians on the Caucusus border. But they left, and in doing so, left the Armenians defenseless to the marauding Kemalist Nationlist Forces. I'm sure you are asking why would these countries, whose principles are freedom and civility, would allow this to happen? Two things my friends: 1) Oil and 2) Turkey as an ally against communism. And so, throught the rest of the 20th century and into the 21st century, Turkey would play these cards against the West, whenever Genocide recognition was brought up. One time it would be Insurlek Airbase being threatened to be shut down, another time it could be closed airspace, and so on and so on. Fast-forward to 2008 and the conflict between Georgia and Russia over South Ossetia and Abkhazia. You would think a little conflict in the Caucasus wouldn't scare the mighty West. But it did scare the crap out of the West. See, there is a pipeline that runs from the Caspian Sea through Azerbaijan, around Armenia, through Georgia, and on through Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea. This conflict destabilized the pipeline's safety and the mighty West could not depend on it being a reliable source of energy any more. How does Armenia fit into this? Well, during the Artsakh Liberation War (Nagorno Karabakh War to all the non-Armenian) between 1988-1994, Armenian's clashed against Azerbaijani's. Azerbaijani's are of turkic/tatar origin, and are considered ethnic brothers of the turks from Turkey proper. Artsakh was a Autonomous Soviet Oblast inside of Azerbaijan from 1921-1988. Artsakh was always the eastern most province of Greater Armenia. Some of Armenia's brightest cultural moments and figures happened in Artsakh. The only reason it was under Azeri control was because it was given to them by Lenin and Stalin, in the hopes of wooing over Kemal Ataturk to the communist side instead of being the West's little lackey. Not only did Armenia lose Artsakh, but also Nachichevan. Through years of neglect, pogroms, massacres, etc... the Armenians of Artsakh said enough is enough and proclaimed their independance from Azerbaijan during the fall of the Soviet Union. This was between 1988 and 1990. In 1991, full scale fighting and war broke out. I will sum the war up quickly since it isn't the main point of this blog. The Armenians, outnumbered sometime 16 to 1 in combat, heroically defended their beloved mountains and homes and sent the Azeri's running like little girls. Experts say if the Armenians wanted to, they could have marched on Baku. Anyways, in a show of turkic solidarity between on Genocide perpetraitor to the next, Turkey closed the border with Armenia. Ontop of this, Turkey and Azerbaijan colluded to prevent Armenia from being allowed participation in the construction of the Ceyhan Pipeline(the pipeline I explained above). So one day in 2008, October to be exact, Armenia's president Sergz Sargsyan invited his Turkish counterpart Abdullah Gul to a soccer match in Yerevan, Armenia. This was the first time a turkish president has stepped foot on Armenian soil. It was called football diplomacy. Then, in 2009, it was announced that Armenia and Turkey had reached landmark agreements to reopen the border and to improve relations through the notorious Protocols all of us Armenians know about. Of course, th. was done and pushed through with the greatest of enthusiasm by the Minsk Group. The Minsk group consists of France, the US, and Switzerland acting as moderators. Doesn’t everyone see what has happened here? The West, after losing the security blanket of stability on the Ceyhan pipeline issue, moved in another direction. All of a sudden, after so many years of neglect and not giving a shit about Armenia, the West is all of a sudden Armenia's new best friend? These protocols are dangerous. Free and independant Artsakh is threatened, Genocide recognition is threatened, our land claims in Eastern Turkey are threatened, Armenia’s existence is threatened! Wake up my fellow Armenians! We are being used in the global game of oil. The evil spirit of the Young Turks and the Rothschild's is still among us. We, the new generation of Armenian's, must carry on the torch of our forefathers and make sure their cries for justice and righteousness don't go unheeded! The time is now. Remember, we are Armenian's...the first Christian nation, where God gave mankind a second chance. Let's not blow this second chance my brothers and sisters... "

-Nishan Sahagian

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